- Women: Mrs. Elizabeth Otieno
- Youth: Patrice Otieno Ateng’
- PWDs: Kennedy Omondi Owaga
- Religious: Thomas Odumbe Oloo
- Community leader: Mr. Ernest Okendo
- Coordinator: Judith Ochanda
About Nyando Community Justice Center
Nyando Human Rights Advocacy and Development Network (NYAHURIADEN), is a non-profit and non-political network of individuals and grassroots groups that was formed in the year 2006 with the help of Kituo cha Sheria.
NYAHURIADEN focuses on promoting holistic and integrated community-driven development with all human rights for all people in Nyando district.
The network arose out of the need for effective participation by the residents of Nyando district in matters of governance, the promotion and protection of human rights and access to justice. The group has its centre of operations in Awasi, Nyando district.
NYAHURIADEN is currently provided with legal hosting by KITUO.
Cell: 0721407408/0737495876
P.o Box 43 Awasi
E-mail: nyandohurinet@gmail.com
A development-focused human rights compliant society.
NYAHURIADEN exists to empower the people of Nyando to advocate for their rights and to promote participatory integrated and holistic development for poverty alleviation with ALL Rights for ALL.
- Legal clinics- Legal advice and representation
- Referrals
- Capacity building on self representation
- Legal and human rights awareness/education
- Training of Community Paralegals
- Training of Community Human Rights monitors
- Training on Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Legal and human rights resource centre
NYAHURIADEN is a membership network with membership being open to adult individuals as well as registered corporate grassroot groups. Since its inception, NYAHURIADEN has a combined membership of over 300.
Membership is upon payment of Kshs. 100.00 for individual members and Kshs. 500 for corporate members.
There is a further monthly subscription of Kshs. 50 for individual members and 100 for corporate members.
- Uplifting the living standards of the community people through promoting holistic and integrated approaches to development.
- Advice community on human rights and development.
- Create legal and human rights awareness.
- Build the capacity of community members to claim their human rights.
- Networking with like-minded local, national and international organizations.
- Mobilization and organization of the community people into viable groups.
- Monitor document and report human rights violations in the local and national governance.
- Monitor the use and implementation of the projects under development funds.
- Improve access to justice in the district.
- Conduct civic education in the District with a view to promote public participation in local and national governance.
At the apex is the Annual General Assembly that brings together all the registered members of NYAHURIADEN. This is followed by a democratically elected Executive Committee that represents the various interest groups in NYAHURIADEN.
The Executive Committee coordinates the day-to-day activities of the network. The network also has several councils that deal with issues directly relevant to and affecting various interest groups as follows: The Women’s Council, the Youth Council, the PWDs Council, and the Religious and Community Leaders Council.
The services are provided to the indigent and the vulnerable through various mechanisms, which include provision of advice, legal representation, litigation, and community mobilization and organization.
The objective of Kituo Cha sheria is to work with the people to respect, promote, protect, demand and access human rights in pursuit of a just and equitable society.
- Chairman: Mr. Andrew Otieno Onyango
- Vice- Chairman: Mr. Gabriel Otieno Ninda.
- Treasurer: Mrs. Syprose A. Otiendo.
- Secretary: Mrs. Lilian Onyango.
- Asst. Secretary: Mr. Opiyo Opande
- Paul Omunga Abuto- Committee Member
- Kennedy O. Owaga- Committee Member
- Grace Atieno Owino- Committee Member
- Ochieng Juma- Committee Member
Through this Centre KITUO CHA SHERIA and NYAHURIADEN hopes to work together to ensure:

- Decentralization of legal empowerment initiatives for a wider reach in Nyando by bringing free legal services closer to those who really need;
- Contextualization of legal empowerment to make it compatible with the social and economic contexts/realities of the poor in and marginalized in Nyando;
- Localization of human and legal rights discourse for better appreciation by the local community thereby making the discourse relevant to them;
- Building capacity for community-driven management of legal aid provision to enhance access to justice;
- Building capacity of community people in Nyando to be drivers of change within their localities and linking them with national/international process and institutions, including the on-going reform processes;
- Building capacity on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);
- Increased legal and human rights awareness through innovative local culturally sensitive approaches;
- Scalling up of paralegal training to build a pool of qualified community paralegals;
- Facilitation of more interaction between the respective communities and the actors in the administration of justice;