Goal: To empower the poor and the marginalized communities on their human rights and to create avenues for these individuals to effectively access and enjoy these fundamental entitlements.
The strategic objectives of the programme are:
- To build and strengthen existing community networks and the capacities of the poor and marginalized communities to be effective champions and monitor their legal and human rights.
- To increase access to justice by the poor and the marginalized.
- To promote good democratic governance through devolution.
- To lobby, advocate and monitor the implementation of pro-poor policies and legislation on land, labour, housing governance and domestication of human rights standards.
- To strengthen program leadership, team building and PME.

The Advocacy, Governance and Community Partnerships (AGCP), exists to enhance equity and access to justice for all through outreach and empowerment of the poor and the marginalized communities. Thus, AGCP promotes good governance and advocacy for pro-poor policies and legislation both at the grassroots and at the national level.

AGCPs work is guided by the need to “minimize” in the conventional regions where KITUO has been working while doing more outreach in the marginal areas. AGCP focuses more on need-driven interventions informed by clear baseline information. AGCP links grassroots empowerment with national-level advocacy processes and institutions to be able to impact policy and legislative reforms; aligning community mobilization and organization with KITUOs core business of access to justice, especially at the grassroots level; and approaching equal access to justice as a human rights issue, rather than just dwelling on provision; electoral justice, and transitional justice.
The AGCP programme through its community outreach and mobilization strategy has reached out to many people mainly within Nairobi’s informal settlements especially and across the country areas including Nyando, Kisumu, Garissa, Kapedo, Lamukani (Kwale County), Marereni (Kilifi County), Kilifi Fishermen (Kilifi County), Burukenge (Mombasa County), Kajiado County, and Mwatate (TaitaTaveta County).
The AGCP programme has attempted to address the Public interest Case and Litigation through the public interest litigation strategy. The absentee Landlords case (Mombasa) is a case in point. The Pauper brief application (Nairobi) which is still in Court since 2006, the Bulla-fot clan case in Garissa a case of conflict with clanism/ethnic/traditional customs, the partially impaired cases in (Nairobi/Eldoret). Through the advocacy strategy, AGCP has successfully tabled pro-poor policy/legislation (i.e. the Housing Bill, Land Bill, etc.). It has also effectively undertaken community mobilization and education; and has managed to mobilize community and aided in the group formation as well as MoU/Constitution writing for community groups.
People’s participation is essential in any socio-economic development. There are indications that space for engagement and expansion of democracy risks being reversed. In such an event, AGCP and KITUO for that matter will step up its empowerment, mobilization and education efforts especially among the poor and marginal communities.