Goal: The FMP is devoted to addressing legal and policy needs of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons residing in urban areas in Kenya with a view to improving their welfare and guaranteeing access to and enjoyment of the institution of asylum.
The strategic objectives of the programme are:
- To develop a detailed strategy including a rapid response programme to address issues of forced migration (i.e. refugees, statelessness, asylum seekers, deportees, evictees, detainees).
- To expand legal service community outreach to areas outside Nairobi (namely Mombasa, Kakuma, Dadaab Garissa, and other parts of the country) through volunteer networks and branch offices entry points on priority basis.
- To establish a “Poor man’s Kitty” and link needy communities to micro-financing institutions.
- To carry out advocacy on the rights and durable solutions for forced migrants, refugee and people with special needs issues including policy and legislation for national legal framework on refugees and the international refugee law like local integration, repatriation and resettlement.
- To strengthen the research component of the programme for advocacy and learning (e.g., on statelessness, asylum seekers, refugees and migrant generally).
- To Monitor and evaluate all programme activities.

The FMP programme is a department within KITUO with an established branch Centre in the Eastlands-Nairobi at KCDF House in Pangani. FMP is devoted to the welfare of the poor and marginalized urban refugees and IDPs in Kenya. Among the urban inhabitants, are refugees and asylum seekers, fresh in the country, among other reasons, having been compelled to flee their countries of origin for want of security.
KITUO in partnership with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) opened the FMP Branch Office to assist the urban refugees in need of legal protection. The inspiration to start an Urban Refugee Intervention Centre was mooted when KITUO found itself unable to turn away refugees and asylum seekers, who were survivors or witnesses of various human right abuses in their home countries and their country of asylum (Kenya).
FMP acts as the people’s watchdog over the implementation of the Refugees Act of 2006, to ensure the refugee’s rights under the new law are realized. In addition the programme advocates for the respect and protection of IDPs rights. The programme offers a range of services in legal protection and guidance to its clients in the areas of legal advice in all legal issues, legal representation, assisting Refugees in obtaining of work permits, birth and death certificates, Identity cards etc., referral service to our other partners and investigations of systematic Human Rights violations against refugees. FMP helps its target group in identifying and litigating on Public Interest issues touching on refugees, monitoring cases of Insecurity and Gender Based Violence, research, and training on Human Rights and Refugee law.