Head of Secretariat
Dr. Annette Mbogoh is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya with fourteen (14) years standing. She undertook her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree at the University of Nairobi and Postgraduate Diploma in Law at the Kenya School of Law in Nairobi. She later pursued a Masters in Women’s Law (MWL) and Doctor of Philosophy in Law (DPhilLaw) from the Southern and Eastern Africa Regional Centre for Women’s Law in the University of Zimbabwe. She has conducted empirical research work on trafficking and sex tourism involving the youth in the Coast county of Mombasa, gender and public participation of women in land governance and transitional justice processes, disability rights and human rights in general.
Dr. Mbogoh has 15 years experience working in civil society and academia mainly focusing on social justice and legal empowerment. She has worked in the Christian Legal Education, Aid and Research (CLEAR-Kenya), The CRADLE-The Children Foundation and Kituo cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre. She is the Executive Director of Kituo cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre. Some of her recent publications include: A Mbogoh & R Mwatela “Public Health or Security Issue: An Analysis of Kenya’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” in Vol 17 (3) European Studies Journal (2020) 165-188, MK Chan & A Mbogoh (2016) Strengthening women’s voices in the context of agricultural investments: Lessons from Kenya London/Nakuru, IIED/KLA, Mbogoh A (2021) “Pouring new wine in old wineskins: State Capture, Contestations and Conflicting Understanding of Paralegalism in Kenya with the advent of the Legal Aid Act 2016” in Egerton Law Journal Vol. 1 pp.164-182, Mbogoh A (2021) “A Critical Analysis of the Intersections of Women’s Multiple Identities and Its Impact on Representation in Local Peace Processes in Kenya: A Case Study of Mombasa and Kilifi Counties” in East Africa Law Journal Special Issue (forthcoming) and Mbogoh A (2022) “My Marriage, My Choice: An Analysis of Kenya’s Plural Marriage Law” (forthcoming Book chapter).
She is currently the Executive Director of Kituo cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre, the oldest legal aid organisation in East, Central and the Horn of Africa. Kituo cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre runs legal empowerment programmes for poor and marginalised communities through legal aid and representation, advocacy, governance, community partnerships and paralegalism. The core mandate areas of Kituo cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre involve land, labour, housing, succession, forced migration and human rights generally. She has over 10 years teaching experience at the University of Nairobi’s Faculty of Law. Her areas of research interest are gender, human rights, public interest lawyers, access to justice and clinical legal education.