- Decentralization of legal empowerment initiatives for as wider reach in kibera by bringing free legal services closer to those who really need;
- Contextualization of legal empowerment to make it compatible with the social and economic contexts /realities of the poor in marginalized in kibera;
- Localization of human and legal rights discourse for better appreciation by local community thereby making discourse relevant to them;
- Building capacity for community-driven management of legal aid provision to enhance access to justice;
- Building capacity of community people in kibera to be drivers of change within their localities and linking the with national/international process and institutions, including the on-going reform processes;
- Building capacity on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);
- Increased legal and human rights awareness through innovative local culturally sensitive approaches;
- Scaling up of paralegal training to build a pool of qualified community paralegals;
- Facilitation of more interaction between the respective communities and actors in the administration of justice;
About Kibera Community Justice Centre.
The community justice centre is an innovative approach to legal empowerment that places the community at the centre.
The kibera community justice centre is an equipped community-based and community managed legal aid and community legal resource centre based at kibera.
It is a creative way of decentralizing legal empowerment initiatives to enhance access to justice to all, with the community networks being the drivers of the process.
It is a partnership between kituo cha sheria and NDFW in line with their shared mission of empowering poor and marginalized communities to access justice.
Towards an empowered, involved and responsive society in governance.
NDFW exists to sensitize the society on their rights as responsible citizens to participate in the management of decentralized funds.
To build the capacity of the community members to effectively participate in monitoring the utilization process of decentralized funds for better service delivery.
- Legal clinics-legal advice and representation
- Referrals
- Capacity building on self-representation
- Legal and human rights awareness/education
- Training of community paralegals
- Training of community human rights monitors
- Training on alternative dispute resolution
- Legal and human right resource centre
- To create awareness on decentralized funds.
- To monitor the utilization process of decentralized funds at the grassroots level.
- To assess the relevance of projects initiated at the grassroots level to the beneficiaries.
- To enhance transparency in the utilization of decentralized funds.
- To advocate and lobby for the amendment of various acts relating to decentralized funds by the government.
- To build the capacity of community members on ways of assessing projects initiated at the grassroots.
Nairobi devolved funds watchdog (NDFW) is a non-political, nonprofit making and non-sectarian organization which was formed by a group of individuals from Dagoretti and Langata constituencies after realizing that the residents of Nairobi, more so Nairobi West District, needed to participate in the process of governance and to effectively monitor various initiatives initiated at the grass roots level given their mandate as citizens. The group has since expanded its operations to cover the whole of Nairobi.
NDFW also endeavors to build the capacity of the community members to demand their rights for better service delivery. The organization was founded in 2006 with its headquarters in Nairobi-Kenya and plans to open offices in other towns across the country.
- Volunteerism
- Fair distribution of resources
- Community participation
- Transparency and accountability
- Community empowerment
- Partnership/networking
- Finance and resource mobilization sub-committee.
- Advocacy and lobbying sub-committee.
- Research, documentation and dissemination sub-committee.
- Evaluation and Monitoring sub-committee.
Through this centre NDFW hopes to work together to ensure: