- Decentralization of legal empowerment initiatives for a wider reach in Kamukunji by bringing free legal services closer to those who really need;
- Contextualization of legal empowerment to make it compatible with the social and economic contexts/realities of the poor in and marginalized in Kamukunji;
- Localization of human and legal rights discourse for better appreciation by the local community thereby making the discourse relevant to them;
- Building capacity for community-driven management of legal aid providers to enhance access to justice;
- Building capacity of community people in Kamukunji to be drivers of change within their localities and linking them with national/international processes and institutions, including the ongoing reform processes;
- Building capacity on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR);
- Increased legal and human rights awareness through innovative local culturally sensitive approaches;
- Scaling up of paralegal training to build a pool of qualified community paralegals;
- Facilitation of more interaction between the respective communities and the actors in the administration of justice;
About Kamukunji Community Justice Centre.
About Kamukunji Community Justice Centre
Kamukunji Community Based Organizations Network (KCBO-NET) is a grass roots network bringing together several community based organizations of men, women and youths engaging in community based programs including Governance, Access to Justice, Health and Environmental Sanitation. The Network was formed in the year 2004 with the support of Kituo cha Sheria. Its main objective is creating voice and space for Kamukunji community to participate in governance at the local level. It is a nonprofit making organization and is currently provided legal hosting by KITUO CHA SHERIA (KCS). The organization harnesses the efforts of member groups in addressing common issues affecting them.
The Community Justice Centre is an innovative approach to legal empowerment that places the community at the centre. The Kamukunji Community Justice Centre is an equipped community-based and community managed legal aid and community legal resource centre based at Kamukunji Constituency. It is a creative way of decentralizing legal empowerment initiatives to enhance access to justice to all, with the community networks being the drivers of the process. It is a partnership between KITUO CHA SHERIA and KCBONET in line with their shared mission of empowering poor and marginalized communities to access justice.
To establish a community platform where people share and strengthen ideas for sustainable development in Kamukunji.
A united and empowered Kamukunji community where people are informed and articulate issues in harmonious and peaceful environment.
- Legal clinics- Legal advice and representation
- Referrals
- Capacity building on self representation
- Legal and human rights awareness/education
- Training of Community Paralegals
- Training of Community Human Rights monitors
- Training on Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Legal and human rights resource centre
The objectives of the organization are:
- To enhance access to justice by the poor and marginalized in Kamukunji
- To serve as an umbrella body for various development groups in Kamukunji that are preferably registered with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social development.
- To facilitate building of capacity for the members of Kcbonet.
- To facilitate members access to public funds and resources from other donors by linking and availing necessary information
- To facilitate economic empowerment of the members and their constituents.
- To engage in advocacy campaigns on issues that affect members and the community at large.
- To facilitate and manage community-based projects within the Kamukunji constituency.
In order to realize objectives of the organization, the network galvanizes Governance, Human Rights and Health Programs and its activities are but not limited to Research, Advocacy and Networking on and for;
- Good governance, democracy and leadership development
- Civic education, awareness and public sensitization
- Youth Sports, talent nurturing and skills development
- Social justice, Peace and conflict management and resolution
- Public health advocacy and promotion
- Environmental sanitation
- Children clubs
The group intends to establish among others:
- A resource center
- Micro credit & community banking facility for its members
- Establishment of a community Media i.e. production house for local artisties and newsletters.
- Income generating projects
- Continous membership recruitment etc.
A Leaders Council-comprising of not more than one representative of each of the group members of Kcbonet
- Ward Leaders- comprising of two leaders from each of the groups at the ward level
- Executive Committee- comprising of twenty-one members from the constituency. Each ward elects three members to constitute the committee.
- The Secretariat- It is the coordination office of the Kcbonet and is headed by the secretary general and assisted by the organizing secretary.
Through this Centre KITUO CHA SHERIA and KCBONET hopes to work together to ensure: